Karina Sojka In the middle of nowhere

Karina Sojka

Karina Sojka

In the middle of nowhere
  • Creation year: 2024
  • Tags: Dance,
  • Presentation place: Kyiv
  • Duration: 45 minutes


Karina Sojka is a body-oriented researcher. She practices contact improvisation and authentic movement.

She photographs the body and nature, wild places, the body in connection with the landscape. She studies Ukrainian authentic songs.



Anastasiia Rembetska, Alina Mariutina, Ihor Kurinnyi, Liubov Sydorenko, Roman Feschak.

Can we have meaning for each other if we don’t agree on what we will talk about?


This work arose from the idea of “pure contact”: what will happen if we remove all predetermined stories and narratives between us and the viewer?


And leave what I see in front of me – the human body, the animal body, the body of thousands of millions of bacteria. Muscles, skin, emotions, love, and physical forces – falling, acceleration.


We first took on a very monumental, very “bold” task – to live 40 minutes without a script, and at the same time create some kind of meaning at least every four minutes. Then suddenly we realized that we didn’t have enough instant directorial skills for this – and we started looking for shortcuts or compromises – to agree on something in advance, to define at least some structure, some concepts, ideas, reference points. But none of this was so deeply interesting. So we decided to take a huge risk. First of all, it’s about  honesty with yourself, not to hide the fact that it’s very difficult. I think it’s valuable.

Karina Sojka, performer


This work deals with improvisation. With actions, in conditions of (almost complete) uncertainty. Changes and formations of scenes on the go, directing in the moment. Dance, sound, voices of instruments, and movement… This is, first of all, an experiment.


In my opinion, you created the impossible. You actually simulated life. Life is unpredictable. In life, we are always looking for some meanings, looking for some images that are familiar to us. And we try to rely on them. In fact, all this is an illusion. From the very beginning, I was really looking for some kind of plot. Then I realized that I have a lot of plots. I realized that there is no plot, but you just need to feel everything that is happening.

Audience comment


The presentation took place on February 22, 2024, at the Les Kurbas Centre.


The work was implemented by proto produkciia in partnership with the GT Foundation from Romania with financial support from  the European Union under the Europe House program.