The Antonin Artaud Fellowship is funded through grant programs and individual contributions and administrated by Fund of proto produkciia. At the same time, the proto produkciia agency team invests its own resources in the program to ensure continuous management. You can support the development of the program with an individual contribution to the page by following the link. If you are interested in institutional partnership or project support, please email us at
Received financial support
2022 Pilot round of the fellowship was supported by the Stabilization Fund for Culture and Education 2022 of the Federal Foreign Office of Germany and the Goethe-Institut. Budget of support: 9800 EUR.
2023 Southern edition supported by the USAID project “Ukraine Confidence Building Initiative” (UCBI). The project is implemented by NGO “Insha Osvita”.
2023-2024 The next round of the fellowship, educational programs, and international presentation of works have been supported by the European Union through the House of Europe program, as well as the Culture of Solidarity Fund, funded by the European Cultural Foundation. Budget of support: 44660 EUR.
2024 Summer edition and creation of 3 work in progress were supported by ZMINA: Rebuilding. Second wave of national subgrants. Budget of support: 8950 EUR.