Viktoriia Khoroshylova The Story of One Body

Viktoriia Khoroshylova

Viktoriia Khoroshylova

The Story of One Body
  • Creation year: 2023
  • Tags: Dance,
  • Presentation place: Odesa
  • Duration: 30 minutes


Viktoriia Khoroshylova is a movement artist and dancer. She is a co-founder and member of the performance group P.L.O.T. (Odesa). Since June 2022, she has been on an artistic residency at the Skåne Dance Theater (Malmö, Sweden). She currently works as a freelance dancer, performer, and choreographer. In her own artistic practice, she focuses on civic activism, the realization of human creative potential, and issues of personal freedom and responsibility.



Performers – Viktoriia Khoroshylova, Oleksandr Loginov

Visual solutions – Oleksandr Loginov, Vasya Dmytryk

Sound design – Vitalii Fesenko

Movement consultant – Oksana Mohilko

Dramaturge – Yulia Hudoshnyk

Photo and video – Oleksandra Shakhnovska

Mentorship support – Hanna Vinogradova


A performance about the individual that can manifest and find its universal place in the social. The body is filled with stories. It reacts and influences. It absorbs contexts and experiences, and it is never just one. The body is filled with stories. They consist of points on the map of Bessarabia, the Black Sea, its bays and spits, and Odesa – as an island. The body speaks Russian, Ukrainian, Bulgarian, southern Surzhyk mixed with forgotten Yiddish. The body becomes a source of possibilities. Its affects, sounds, and movements not only record past stories but also have the potential for new ones.


The body as a source of possibilities is part of the philosophical concept of  J. Deleuze and F. Guattari, developed from Antonin Artaud’s idea of  “Body without organs.” Thus, this work embodies a philosophical concept into a performative practice. 


The work in progress The Story of One Body included a series of open workshops. During the performance, workshop participants could take part in the action according to certain rules.


The work was implemented by proto produkciia foundation within the framework of the program Cultural Bridges: support of cultural figures from Southern regions of Ukraine, implemented by Insha Osvita with the support of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) Ukraine Confidence Building Initiative (UCBI).



  • Odesa, December 17, 2023. Odesa Museum of Western and Eastern Art.
  • Vinnytsia, August 31, 2024. Within the framework of the festival EU4Culture.
  • Kyiv, November 9, 2024, at Center Stage.